Monday, September 28, 2009

Perak MB should appoint an exco member and a department to specifically deal with non- Muslim matters. 23/01/2008

15th January 08

We are not disunited, we will continue fight and will fast on January 21st…

The five Hindraf detainees - P. Uthayakumar, V. Ganabatirau, M. Manoharan, R. Kenghadharan and T. Vasantha Kumar - deny they are split and promise to fight united for the better of the Indian community during a meeting with their lawyers on January 15, 2008.

They deny rumours and reports that they were not on talking terms with each other and that one or more of them will admit to terrorist allegations. They denied they have any problem among themselves and reject any such suggesitons as lies. They are resolved to fight for the betterment of the Indian community and have not wavered in any way to any of the demands made to the government in particular the 18 point demand. They will also fast from january 21 to 28th and urged all Malaysians to fast with them for the betterment of the Indian community.

On 15th January the ISA Advisory Board deliberated on the allegations against the 5 Hindraf leaders detained at the Kamunting detention camp. They were present with their lawyers Karpal Singh, M.Kula Segaran, A.Sivanesan, S.Ponnumugam, M.Manogran, T. Kumar and Ram Karpal Singh. The Advisory Board was presided by Yusuf Sam and assisted by two assessors. The Ministry of Internal security was represented by its legal adviser Abdul Wahab. The hearing is adjourned to 12 of February 2008.

Among other complaints the five want immediate attention are:

1) They want lesser hours under lock-up. ( presently the 5 are locked up in a cell for nearly 16 hours a day.(Time of detention between 11.30- 2.45 and between 6.30- 7.30am daily. The guards upon locking the detainees in the cell will then deposit the keys with to the administration officers who are quite a distance from the detention cell. In case of emergency like fire it’s nearly impossible to reach the detainees immediately.)

2) They don’t want to be locked up like common criminals.

3) They want access to TV’s and computers

4) They want curent books and magazines. (The resource center (library) do not have current books and magazines. The Time magazine and Readers digest are all of the year 2001. The center is only accessible once a week. The detainees more current books and magazines and the center should be opened at all days.)

5) They want more time with theoir families. (Families can only meet detainees fro a maximum period of 45 minutes and even then at all times there are guards seated in the visiting room. Children of the detainees are not allowed to be alone and or not allowed to walk with the detainees)

6) They want outside food served. (As compared to former detainees who had access to out side food now the 5 detainees are not allowed to eat or the families cannot bring any food to them)

7) They want access to temples for prayers. (Presently no access to any temples although all the 5 detainees are practicing Hindus)

8) NO mercy for vegetarian. (In the case of R.Kengatheran who is a vegetarian and who eats only Chapatti as his staple food this is not provided to him. When asked, the Pengarah says the rules does not state any where that Chapatti has to be provided thus many days he goes on without eating. Kenga said “if the government knows how to detain me it should also know how to feed me”)

Finally the 5 detainees collectively gave a signed, written sign statement which reads as follows: “We the undersigned hereby confirm that beginning from 21st January, 2008 till 28th January 2008 all 5 detainees will go on Hunger strike for the following reasons.

i) the detention of the 5 is unlawful and unconstitutional and against the universal declaration of Human Rights

ii The demands made by HINDRAF for the restoration of the Indian rights must be immediately enforced and

iii) Seek divine intervention. Finally in the event any untoward were to befall on any one of us we hold the following parties responsible i) Prime Minister of Malaysia ii) Government of Malaysia ; iii) The silent majority referred to by the PM The detention without trial of the 5 under ISA has now put Malaysia on the world map as one of the countires which does not respect human right values. We hope the government will take steps to release all the 5 detainees unconditionally the soonest possible.

POSTED BY kula ON 01.15.08 @ 7:21 am |

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Bravo… the struggle will continue

Comment by piinang — January 15, 2008 @ 9:23 am

The fight will continue.

Comment by Muay Thai — January 15, 2008 @ 11:37 am

Struggle will cotinue… VALGA MAKKAL SAKTHI….

Comment by Suresh — January 17, 2008 @ 1:03 am

The 5 heroes sacrificed alot for the indian community.Ask samy to fast and i will be the 1st person to sponsor for his coffin.

Comment by banivelu — January 17, 2008 @ 11:56 am

Hi Boss Kula

Keep on fighting for the 5 Hindraf leaders. I believe alot of Indians supporting you in so many ways and one of this prayer Keep up

Comment by KS Ronny — January 22, 2008 @ 5:49 pm

Hi Boss Kula

Keep the Good work Please fight until the end to release the 5 Heros I BELIEVE lot of Indians have wake up from the sleep and same time alot of them supporting and one of them through prayers God Will bless You

Comment by KS Ronny — January 22, 2008 @ 5:52 pm

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Kula's urgent motion on ISA rejected by Speaker


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