Monday, September 28, 2009

Why sponsor students to study non- critical courses. MAY/2008


While debating on the supplementary financial estimates for the Prime Minister’s department it was revealed by Minister Dato’Nazri that not only students are sponsored by the government for critical courses like Medicine, Architecture, Engineering etc but also non critical courses like law.

In the last session of Parliament when I asked the Minister why we still have to send students to study law overseas he said he was unaware of this and he feels the government should not sponsor students to study for non critical couces as these monies could be well spent on students studying critical courses.

I am now shocked by the “U” turn made by the same minister on the same issue. He now says that students are still been sent to study non critical couces because it gives them exposure and also to balance local with foreign students. I could not get further clarification on this matter as he said in Parliament time to answer is over.

To sponsor a student to study Law in U.K for a period of four years costs nearly RM1 Million. With RM1 million over 20 students can study law locally. Why waste tax payer’s monies? Critical couces must be given priority.

POSTED BY kula ON 05.29.08 @ 3:42 am |

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whats the percentage of these non-critical courses among the total scholarships?
i’m sure a lot of attention are given to the critical courses.
my point is scholarships should be awarded for non-critical courses but in reasonable numbers.there are differences between ICT graduates from USA and Law from UK to Malaysia’s.Especially when they’re from the Ivy Leagues. Like your fellow DAP member,Tony Pua. He is very admired by your party for his educstion background even though he’s taking a course that you would deemed as non critical.Much can be learn from these ‘non critical’ courses if they’re of good quality from abroad. Try comparing a law graduate from Oxford to our own,not to degrade ours but the graduates from such universities can share the experience and the edge to our local students.Such universities have existed almost a thousand years,of course there are differences to ours. The effort lies in our sincerity in working together to bring back all the edges of Western civilisation to our country instead of blaming each other without proper consideration.

Comment by concerned malaysian — June 2, 2008 @ 11:17 am

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