Monday, September 28, 2009

Theft in Buntong Market must be taken seriously by police and MBI. MAC/2008

We have received numerous complaints of the happenings in the Buntong market where theft is common and frequent in addition to the generally deplorable conditions of cleanliness, upkeep, rubbish collection and other services. The local authority (MBI) has failed to do their routine jobs as is required of an efficient local authority. Their inefficiencies and tidak-apa attitude are main reasons for public disaffection and the deplorable condition of the market.

One of the major issues which caused great inconveniences for shop owners and the consuming public is the deplorable state of rubbish collection and disposal. Rubbish is frequently dumped on the main road. The rubbish remains uncollected for days and we need to remind the MBI on a daily basis to do their job. In addition, we were informed that most of the time the local authorities do not clean the floors in both the wet and dry market.

Today YB Siva Subramaniam (Assemblyman for Buntong), my secretary Mr Sugumaran and I visited the Buntong wet market and interview shop owners and heard their numerous complaints. As tax payers they have been cheated by the MPI.
One of the shop owner complained to us that many a time his shop was broken into and and his goods stolen. Mr Loh Hoong Sin has lodged a police report but little or no action has been taken by the police up to now. Theft in the market happens frequently and stall owners are fearful.

"I completed my first round of interviews and have review their complains. I will take up their grouses to the MBI to ensure that they provide the shop owners a speedy and adequate solution for all their problems."
As MP for Ipoh Barat constituency, I will ask for the additional extension works to be carried out immediately to prevent theft at night. Secondly I will also ask for the replacement of the existing zinc roof to avoid water leaking in rainy seasons.

Prior to this we have made many similar complaints and the local council had promised to beef up security with the hiring of security guards. We don’t see any security guards on duty at night to protect the property of the people in Buntong market.
The appointed local councilors are nowhere seen at the market.

One long term solution to all these pressing problems is to hold election for local councils which will ensure that the right people are selected to serve the people. Only with elections can the people see a real change in the situation.

POSTED BY kula ON 03.28.08 @ 5:02 am |

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“One long term solution to all these pressing problems is to hold election for local councils which will ensure that the right people are selected to serve the people. Only with elections can the people see a real change in the situation.”


Definitely agreed with you YB Kula. Now that DAP-PKR-PAS state government has formed, there’s no excuse now NOT to hold local authority election. The rakyat wants to get rid of incompetent and lazy local authorities councilors FOR GOOD.

Comment by Jim — March 28, 2008 @ 5:52 am

now dap got power in ipoh we hope this situation will be got settle and give people from ipoh better living

Comment by ting tong — April 2, 2008 @ 11:33 am

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