POSTED BY kula ON 05.31.08 @ 3:03 am |
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I’m amused at the statement by Normala.
Maybe she should be asked why is it that MBI spends so much money on planting the spiky plants every where and then replacing the pots every few months. I don’t think they being rotated as many are shriveled up. Maybe instead of planting them they should stop cutting down large trees that are healthy. Instead they should plan their roads such that the trees planted need not be cut down every ten years. There are many roads in Ipoh that are built so badly that they end as dangerous to road users. One point is the flyovers at Jln Kuala Kangsar which is amateurish at best. The road in front of the TUDM is heavily used but the road is narrow. I must add that it has not escaped my notice that these area is a stronghold of PAS. Proper planning could have turned this road into a very safe road.I suppose political affiliations have a lot to do with how your place will look like.The new housing schemes at County Valentine was a much hyped one in 2004. Yet there is no proper entrance or exit to it. Residents have to endure a dangerous and nerve wracking time to cross into Jalan Pegoh. They have to use a backlane to access their homes.Yet we pay assesments. I wonder how is it that DBI approved of a large 400+ housing sceme without proper access roads. The only road that is wide enough is the one that goes out of Ipoh towards Jln Gopeng. If the money is spent on viable things, the Ipoh residents will never complain. Instead they are spent on unwanted “hiasan” that benefit a select few in their pockets. Remember the lanterns that used to decorate Ipoh streets in 1999. I still remember that this same “lady” commented that they can be used again and again in the years to come. I’m wondering what happened to those lanterns. Is Ipoh still purchasing them to replace those that have been damaged and destroyed by the weather? I had never seen them again after 2001? What happened to the much bandied about “can be used again and again in years to come”.
I don’t think DBI needs more money. They need a better accounting of the way money is spent.Where is the allocation list for the year 2008? As rate payers, don’t we have a right to see what our money is being used for? Or is that under the OSA? Transparency means knowing what goes where. Lip service alone is not enough. All those cost saving methods mentioned is just lip service. See the number of bright lights that light up the DBI, See the way road repairs are carried out. Don’t wait for damage to be large before it repaired. Look at the problem of flash floods. If you look carefully it is silt that block the drain holes on roads that cause flash floods. These drain holes should be inspected on rainy to see if they function as they are supposed to. Any body stopping at the traffic lights heading towards Pantai Putri from Tiger Lane on a very rainy day can see that the drain holes on the side are practically non functioning as the design and lay of it is such that rushing water skims the entrance and rushes on along the side of the road. Do the right thing,put on your rain coats and see for yourself. Sitting in an air-con room the whole day long is not what will solve the problems in Ipoh. More money will not either. As long you don’t “turun ke padang” the rate payers of Ipoh will not condone any increase in rates.
Last but not the least, don’t compare Ipoh with KL and PJ. They have better road systems, bus services and wonder of wonders, a rail system. They have transport systems which is a dream for Ipoh. So we should not be paying their rates.The only thing we have in common with them is the increasing traffic jams and flash floods. The flash floods do not make a city, a happy one. Ipoh is only a glorified town at best. A city as large as Ipoh must be able to boast a rapid public transport system not ever changing pots of plants. The concept of “hiasan” is something that is only for show not of any use for the ordinary and long suffering Ipoh residents.
Come on DBI, wake up, we are not stupid and doling out the same line by the public relations officer, year after year is insulting to the Ipoh folks.
Make no mistake. Ipoh has grown in the number of cars, houses and shops since the 1980’s. Do your maths. The increase in premises means more money. 16% is a lot of money so don’t tell us you need more money. You have more money than you had in 1980. More cars, more houses, more businesses, more people and more factories and industries. All these translate into more money for the DBI.
DO you still think we are stupid? Show us your spending accounts and we can tell you where your maths has gone wrong. Remember,Ipoh people have the numbers and we know our maths.
Comment by Anthony — May 31, 2008 @ 5:20 am
hello there!
I’m from the philippines. our government right now
is a presidential form of government. It is democratic in form yet greatly influenced by the USA. Our government
is proposing for a parliamentary system of governance.
Is parliamentary form really a better form than what we have right now? How’s Parliamentary form of government doing so far in your country? Does it really solve most of your problems? Specially the corruption thing because it is so rampant in my country.
hope to here from you!
take care!
Comment by rex — May 31, 2008 @ 8:25 am
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