Sunday, September 27, 2009

Why was the Minister of Resources and His Deputy absent in Parliament today? 09/07/2007

Oral questions are permitted to takes place between 10am- 11.30 when Parliament is in session. According to rule 22(2) of Standing orders of Dewan Rakyat the questions must be forwarded as least 14 days before the commencement of the meeting. A maximum of 10 oral and 5 written questions can be posed by each Member of Parliament (MP). Over and above this, the maximum number of words each question shall not exceed more then 40 words!
The current session of Parliament commenced on the 20th March 2007. Thus by this date all Ministries would be totally aware as to when the MP’s questions would be up for replies.
To day when question number 9 came up for a reply both the Minister of Human Resources and his Deputy were not in Parliament to provide oral replies. The Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Agriculture informed the house that she will reply on behalf of the Ministry of Human Resources.
I stood up to ask a supplementary question and first asked the Speaker as to why the Minister and his Deputy were absent from Parliament and how is it proper for the Parliamentary Secretary of a different ministry to answer on behalf of the Human Resources Ministry. To this the Speaker avoided answering to my question and wanted to proceed with question number 10. I then informed the Speaker that I do have a supplementary question namely “is the Ministry aware that many workers who have traces of mental health problems by reason of stress at the work place are not properly attended to be the Social Security Department (SOSCO)”. The Parliamentary Secretary stood up to reply to my supplementary question and she informed the House that a written reply would be provided to the matter I raised. She could not reply to matters I raise as she is unaware of the happenings in the SOSCO Department. I took objections to this and I responded by asking as to why both the Minister and Deputy of Human Resources are absent from the house. I mentioned that their absence cannot be accepted and an explanation is owed by them. I also said I saw the Minister campaigning in the Machap by election yesterday and he could be tired thus he did not attend Parliament to day!
The absence of Ministers in Parliament to answers questions clearly shows the lack of responsibility and accountability of a Minister. A Minster holds a public office job and is paid nearly RM20, 000 a month and it’s a full time job. Why should be paid “gaji buta”?
The absence of the Minister clearly show we cannot achieve a First World Parliament as our Ministers and Deputies have a third World mentality.
How is the Ministers absence going to help the Malaysian Parliament in achieving a First World Parliament as envisaged by the Prime Minister!
POSTED BY kula ON 04.09.07 @ 8:03 am

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