Sunday, September 27, 2009

Election commission committing Election Illegal transfer of voters. 16/06/2007

We are shocked to discover that the Election Commission (EC)of Malaysia has been transferring voters from one Parliamentary constituency to another illegally and in violation of the Federal Constitution. While helping registered voters to check their voter status, we have discovered that many of them in Taman Silibin, Ipoh, who voted in the Parliamentary Constituency of Ipoh Barat (P.065) and the Buntong State Constituency in the 2004 General Election have now had their names transferred to the Batu Gajah Parliamentary Constituency and the Jelapang State Constituency. This is most shocking and strange! When after the last General Election in 2004 were these voters transferred from Ipoh Barat to Batu Gajah? And why? Why have these voters have not been informed by the EC? Why have political parties and their representatives not been informed? And, Why have I, as the duty elected MP for Ipoh Barat in the 2004 General Election, not been informed? From all angles, it is evident that the EC has been guilty of illegally transferring voters from one constituency to another secretly, without good rhyme or reason. And it has no sense of courtesy or responsibility to inform all those people concerned. This is the height of either inefficiency or a deep lack of professionalism. This is disgraceful, to put it mildly. Here are some of the examples of voters transferred from Ipoh Barat to Batu Gajah without their knowledge or consent:- SOO KAM MOI (Female), I.C. No: 410124085408, was listed in the March 2004 electoral roll as a voter for Ipoh Barat Parliamentary Constituency and the Buntong (N.30) State Constituency. However, on June 12, 2007 she, although she is still residing at Taman Silibin, the EC states that her voting district is now Taman Kledang, and her State Constituency is now JELAPANG and her Parliamentary Constituency is now BATU GAJAH. POE CHE GUAN @ POO CHE GUAN (Male), I.C. No: 440114715127, was also listed in the same March 2004 electoral roll as abovementioned. But according to the EC, he too is now a voter for JELAPANG State Constituency and Batu Gajah Parliamentary Constituency. The same plight of being transferred to new state and parliamentary constituencies has also befallen on the following voters all residing in Taman Silibin:- - JAWAAIYAH (Female), I.C. No: 441119085480 - MURUGIAH A/L MANICKAM (Male), I. C. No: 501216085193 - LUM OY FAN (Female), I. C. No: 551209105294 - SAMUEL SELVARAJ (Male), I .C. No: 760204085563 How many other voters in Taman Silibin are in the same situation? We are in the process of finding out! This is an extremely serious matter, This is delineation of electoral constituencies by stealth, and is arbitrary and a farce. Under the Federal Constitution, while the EC has the power to review, delimit and delineate constituencies, whether State or parliamentary, it must do so in strict accordance with Article 113 of the Federal Constitution. In particular Article 113(ii) states “ there shall be an interval of not less then eight years between the date of completion of one review, and the date of commencement of the next review” On 12thJune07 Sdr. A. Siva Subramaniam, Assistant State Secretary, Siva Kumar my political Secretary and myself met with En.Nazri and other EC officials. We were told that : 1) Taman Silibin should have been under Batu Gajah in 2004 and thus after the last elections in 2004 the process was started to transfer the voters from Ipoh Barat to the Batu Gajah constituency; 2) The officers told us that internal guidelines of the EC allow this process of transfer although there are no laws permitting this exercise; 3) that it seems it is usual for the EC to transfer voters form one constituency to another and this practice has been going on for all this years The EC must furnish a satisfactory explanation for the strange discrepancies we have pointed out. The EC’s conduct suggests three possibilities 1) it is doing what it has been specifically instructed by the Government to do 2)it chooses to do what it thinks will help the Government 3) it independently shares the Government’s view of what is in the national interest. Meanwhile, the DAP panel of lawyers is studying in detail the cases and if necessary will mount a legal challenge against the EC for its criminal activities in a court of law. We would also be officially be writing to the EC on this matter and also raise the matter in Parliament at the next session. M.Kula Segaran

POSTED BY kula ON 06.16.07 @ 5:32 am |

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