Sunday, September 27, 2009

State still awaiting for council's reports 01/03/2007

IPOH: The state government is still awaiting a report from the Ipoh ci­ty council that will help decide the fate of the city councillor who alle­gedly operated an illegal plastics­moulding factory.
Mentri Besar Datuk Seri Moha­mad Tajol Rosh Ghazali said the state could not make a decision on Lim Huey Shan until it had re­ceived the report from Datuk Ban­dar Datuk Mohamad Rafiai Mok­tar.
"As the councillor concerned is under the Ipoh city council, I leave it to the Datuk Bandar to investi­gate and make the necessary re­commendations to me.
"I will then decide based on his recommendations;" he told repor­ters after chairing the state execu­tive councillor meeting here yes­terday.
Tajol Rosli added that if he him­self were to decide on the matter, he might be "influenced" by peo­ple around him.
Asked if the mayor had been gi­ven a deadline to deliver the re­port, Tajol Rosli said Mohamad Ra­fiai could submit it anytime.
Tajol Rosh had said he would personally study the case to de­termine if further action needed to be taken against Lim.

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